Nuggets from Behind Closed Doors

Inside every private Alliance meeting, there are hundreds of years of experience. While keeping confidentiality of the member who provided the challenge to their group, we’ve captured (with permission) just some of the insightful comments from a handful of members. Read what these members had to say to get a glimpse of what it is like to be an Alliance member.

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Mike Kamm Speaks: Have an Expert Help Make the Case

When a fellow Alliance member had an issue with his company's board, the company needed to make investments to ensure long-term growth. However, the board was more concerned with quarterly growth and meeting the expectations of Wall Street. As a result, the Alliance member was having difficulty making his case. Here's what Mike Kamm, former President of Cassidy Turley, shared with his Alliance peers.

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Insight categories include: Boards   Strategy & Planning   

Member Alain Couder Speaks: Wait, Then Make the Call

The case at hand was brought to a recent Alliance meeting by an Alliance CEO whose company had a major acquisition in the works. As a result of the acquisition, the CEO believed that the company needed to change from a functional structure to a business unit structure. In response, here's what Alain Couder, then CEO of Oclaro, a global provider of optical products for the telecommunications market, shared with the Alliance member.

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Insight categories include: Leadership   M&A   Organizational Design   

Member John Senaldi Speaks: Start Small Before Going Big

Read what John Senaldi, CEO of Freeslate, shared with an Alliance member whose investor-backed firm was considering whether to gamble big by going after a difficult segment of the market, which would take major investment and take years, but could yield big results.

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Insight categories include: Boards   Finance   Strategy & Planning   

Member Prem Uppaluru Speaks: Be Careful About Switching to Product Business

Read what Prem Uppaluru, CEO of Transera Communications, shared with an Alliance member whose consulting company was considering whether to create a successful new product or transform itself into a product company.

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Insight categories include: Leadership   Marketing   Organizational Design   Sales   Strategy & Planning   

Member Ittai Bareket Speaks: You Need Someone You Can Trust

When a fellow Alliance member was preparing to enter Japan with a huge partner that would resell its software, the member wanted to know what to do to succeed and whether to hire locally or not. Here's what Ittai Bareket, CEO of Netformx, shared with the Alliance member.

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Insight categories include: Culture   International Business   Leadership   Operations   Sales   Strategy & Planning   

Member Dan Peterson Speaks: When Picking a Team, Put Values First

Read what Dan Peterson, Founder & Chairman of Loyale, shared with an Alliance member whose early stage startup company was about to close a B round of financing. The CEO was preparing to build the executive team with some key hires.

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Insight categories include: Culture   Finance   Human Resources   Leadership