Nuggets from Behind Closed Doors

Inside every private Alliance meeting, there are hundreds of years of experience. While keeping confidentiality of the member who provided the challenge to their group, we’ve captured (with permission) just some of the insightful comments from a handful of members. Read what these members had to say to get a glimpse of what it is like to be an Alliance member.

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Member Rob Stump Speaks: Falling Behind? Disrupt Back!

For market leaders, disruption can lurk on the periphery and threaten company profits and market share. Alliance member Rob Stump, CEO of ANI, advocates an honest approach to “disrupting back” and retaining dominance in the market.

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Insight categories include: Leadership   Strategy & Planning   

Member Jeff Cleland Speaks: How About a Win-Win-Win Situation?

Clever corporate actions of spin-off and licensing can create optimized arrangements where all parties win and future value is maximized. Jeff Cleland, President and CEO of Graybug Vision, suggests a tried-and-true maneuver that eschews acquisition in favor of equity swaps and licensing deals.

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Insight categories include: Finance   Leadership   Organizational Design   Strategy & Planning   

Member Jorge Titinger Speaks: You are the CEO. Time to Turn up the Heat.

Boardroom pressures can derail a CEO’s agenda to the detriment of the company’s ultimate performance. Jorge Titinger, former CEO of SGI, walks through a few strategies to regain control and deliver shareholder value, rather than appease problematic board members.

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Insight categories include: Boards   Finance   Leadership   M&A   Strategy & Planning   

Member Jeff Antrim Speaks: Double Down on Quality and Accountability

It can’t always be the best of times. So how can a CEO manage revenue when cash flow is tight and profitability has declined? Jeff Antrim, President of Proforma Construction, shares a few battle-tested approaches to weathering the storm while keeping the dollars flowing.

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Insight categories include: Operations   Sales   Strategy & Planning   

Member Peter Koshland Speaks: Go. To. Bed.

A CEO may have impeccable business strategy and execution. Yet without the sound physiologic underpinnings of a healthy body, all bets are off. Peter Koshland, Founder of Koshland Pharm, sheds light on the dangers of chronic stress and suggests one simple solution that busy CEOs often overlook.

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Insight categories include: Health   Work/Life Balance   

Member Harmeet Bhatia Speaks: Don’t Just Report. Involve.

Many management teams are spread over great distances and among diverse cultures. Harmeet Bhatia of Jade Global emphasizes the importance of substantive dialogue and collaboration to forge a path to success.

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Insight categories include: Culture   Executive Development   Sales   Strategy & Planning   

Member Bryan O’Connell Speaks: In Hurricane Winds, Remember a Compass

The startup CEO commonly experiences stress and pressure from all angles. Bryan O'Connell, CEO of Meras Engineering, describes his philosophy for not losing sight of long-term goals in the heat of the moment.

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Insight categories include: Finance   Strategy & Planning   

Member Craig Sardella Speaks: You’ve Been Promoted to Chief Dreaming Officer

Regardless of a company’s niche, primary competitive advantage is gained by ceaseless innovation. Craig Sardella of Guild Mortgage Company lays out his vision of how a CEO can make all the difference — by dreaming.

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Insight categories include: Entrepreneurship   Executive Development   Leadership   Strategy & Planning   

Member Xiaodong Yang Speaks: Build Vertical and Horizontal Channels

Growing at breakneck speed? Xiaodong Yang, President & CEO of Apexigen, Inc., recommends implementing a matrix structure of project managers to maintain productivity and reinforce desirable company culture.

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Insight categories include: Culture   Operations   Sales   Strategy & Planning   

Member Sheeroy Desai Speaks: Cut Through The Noise

Interest in the service you are offering is a beautiful thing. But interest does not equate to action. Sheeroy Desai, Co-Founder & CEO of Gild Inc., shares a clever strategy to seal the deal.

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Insight categories include: Entrepreneurship   Marketing   Sales   

Member Camillo Martino Speaks: Study Deeply and Engage Discretely Before Deciding

One of the most challenging judgment calls a CEO must make is whether and when to sell the company. Camillo Martino, Board Member and Executive Advisor, formerly CEO & Director of Silicon Image, lays out some considerations for making the right call.

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Insight categories include: Exiting   Finance   M&A   Strategy & Planning   

Member Glenda Anderson Speaks: License Back by Vertical

Does your company own intellectual property with a broad range of applications? Glenda Anderson, CEO & Founder of Farsight Genome Systems, shares a spin-off, license-back strategy to maximize overall IP value.

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Insight categories include: Finance   Organizational Design   Sales   Strategy & Planning   

Member John Dicconson Speaks: Get Beyond ROI with Your Investors

Strategic alignment between a CEO and his or her board is a primary driver of overall business success. John Dicconson, President of Tech Care Now Associates, lays out a vision that values operational success in addition to return on investment.

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Insight categories include: Boards   Executive Development   Finance   Leadership   Sales   

Member Paul White Speaks: Take that Downturn and Flip it Upside-Down

Your company’s in great shape - now use your financial and competitive strength as a strategic advantage should a downturn materialize. Paul White, Co-Founder & Managing Partner at Muir Equity, advocates capitalizing on strategic preparation as a competitive advantage to better position your company during and after the storm.

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Insight categories include: Entrepreneurship   Finance   Leadership   M&A   Operations   Sales   Strategy & Planning   Trends   

Member Anne Bisagno Speaks: Make Sure Your Customer is Winning, Too

CEOs often wish to move from an “hourly billable” to a “fixed monthly price” model for their business services. Anne Bisagno, President of Xantrion, speaks from experience about how it is done – and where the pitfalls lie.

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Insight categories include: Operations   Organizational Design   Sales   Strategy & Planning   

Member Navin Nagiah Speaks: You are not ready (yet) to make a decision.

Torn between being a market leader & IPO’ing or selling the company? Navin Nagiah, President & CEO of DNN Corporation, offers some considerations to help distill a smart decision.

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Insight categories include: Culture   Finance   M&A   Marketing   Operations   Sales   Strategy & Planning   

Member Menko Deroos Speaks: Want fresh direction? Get some fresh air.

Though a CEO may know the best direction to take, it is often another matter to align company employees and a board of directors behind the decision. Menko Deroos, CEO & Co-Founder of Xicato, explains his tried and true strategy to create a path forward.

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Insight categories include: Boards   International Business   Leadership   Strategy & Planning   

Member Pat Lashinsky Speaks: Hire Your First Chief Culture Officer

CEOs often lament the time and difficultly involved in changing corporate culture. Pat Lashinsky, CEO of RealMassive, advocates for forcing the issue with explicit accountability.

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Insight categories include: Culture   Human Resources   

Member Marco Marini Speaks: Take Advantage of Your Small Size

Though it may seem like bad news when companies like Amazon or Costco move into your market, Marco Marini, CEO of ClickMail Marketing, sees an opportunity to differentiate and thrive.

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Insight categories include: Marketing   Sales   Strategy & Planning   

Member David Matheson Speaks: Is Change Always a Bottom Up Revolution?

It’s extremely rare for an app to unilaterally disrupt an established market. David Matheson, President & CEO of SmartOrg, underscores the importance of engaging institutional players to drive major market change.

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Insight categories include: International Business   Strategy & Planning   Technology