Inside the Fall 2017 Issue:
The CEO Answers to Everyone—But How?
Accountability for CEOs can range widely depending on the structure, size, ownership and stage of the business. But the bottom line is that CEOs are accountable for delivering on their promises to all stakeholders and doing what is best for the organization. Learn how Alliance members Sunil Bhatia of Infogain, Christopher Burnley of Corefact, Jonathan Corr of Ellie Mae, Craig Goehring of Brown and Caldwell, JR Mathews of Tregaron Capital, Sean McCarthy of CytomX Therapeutics, and Doug Murray of Big Switch Networks, meet the complexities of accountability head on.
Alliance Community Activities
We welcomed Keynote Thom Shea, Navy SEAL and CEO of Adamantine Alliance, to our June Regional meeting, and Keynote Alfred Chuang, Co-Founder of BEA Systems & Magnet Systems, to our Regional meeting in July. Leaders at the forefront of many of today’s hottest technology trends came together for our June 27th Alliance Roundtable hosted by Alliance member John Gilmartin of VMware in Palo Alto. Our panel included Steve Cousins of Savioke, Rachel Haurwitz of Caribou Biosciences and Jane Macfarlane of Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, who shared their insights into technology’s unprecedented pace of change and how it is once again revolutionizing our world. On September 26th, Alliance member Mihir Shukla of Automation Anywhere hosted our Software Roundtable, allowing Bay Area leaders to share their experiences and insights within this common industry. Alliance members and their guests enjoyed a fun and memorable Alliance Fall Dinner at the City Club in San Francisco on September 28th.
Nuggets From Behind Closed Doors
There are hundreds of years of experience inside every private Alliance meeting. While protecting the confidentiality of the member who challenged their private Alliance Group to “sit in their seat,” we’ve captured just a few of the insightful comments from a handful of members. Read how Jason Petralia of Raizlabs and Andy Barrons of Navis would address the challenges faced by two of their fellow Alliance members.
New Members
Check out our newest Alliance members, who run a wide range of companies in industries such as Genealogy & DNA Science, Dynamic Glass Technology, Fibrotic Disease Treatments, Autonomous Mobility, Online Nanodegree Programs, Semiconductor Wafer Testing, Regenerative Medicine and Organic Food Products.
Upcoming Events
We’ve got some great events coming up, including three Alliance Voices sessions, during which Alliance members will share their collective wisdom on topics of value, interest and insight. In addition, our Alliance Roundtables will bring together leaders of Professional Services and Life Sciences companies. At our October Alliance Roundtable, powerhouse companies, the San Jose Sharks and Google Express, will discuss “Using Innovative Pricing Models for Strategic Leverage.” We invite all Alliance members and their guests to join us for our Alliance Holiday Dinner on December 7th and our Alliance Spring Dinner on April 26th.
Also inside: Keep up-to-date with Member News, upcoming Alliance Events and Keynote Speakers. Download it now!
The Alliance of Chief Executives is an active community of business leaders that focuses on deep strategic exchanges, challenging existing assumptions and generating fresh ideas.
Alliance of Chief Executives, LLC
2175 N. California Blvd.,
Suite 605
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
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