Inside the Spring 2011 Issue:
What Innovation Means To You
In today’s economy, ideas flow at the speed of light, and companies must consistently out-innovate their competitors to stay ahead. But innovation comes from many sources, as Alliance CEOs can attest. “There aren’t a lot of things that have not been created in this world, or are completely new,” says Joy Chen, CEO of Yes To, Inc. “But there are a lot of great applications that can be done as long as you’re willing to go and look at other categories for ideas.”
Alliance Community Activities
Recent Alliance CEO Community Activities included a variety of CEO events such as:
CEO Roundtables in which Bay Area CEOs discussed “Globalization 2011: First it’s Small, Then Flat, Now it’s Next Door” and “Building Industry Leadership Through Acquisitions,” Keynote discussions with James White, CEO of Jamba Juice and Charlene Li, author of the New York Times bestseller, “Open Leadership: How Social Technology Can Transform the Way You Lead” and our Alliance CEO Holiday Dinner in Orinda
The Superhero Salesperson – The CEO: A Case Study
While high risk, there’s no substitute for strategically deploying the CEO to land and retain critical customers. As proof, Dennis Raefield, CEO of Mace Security International, shares two high-stakes, near-death experiences that illustrate the power and prudence of the CEO going eyeball to eyeball with key customers.
New Members
Check out our newest Alliance members, who run companies in industries such as online restaurant ordering, catastrophic medical services, water treatment, TV programming production and Internet sharing market.
Upcoming Events
We've got some great events coming up, including our Alliance Spring Dinner; CEO Roundtables on “Building Customer Loyalty,” “Scaling Up From a Lean Base” and “Building High Functioning Teams:" and keynote events with Paul Limbrey, high-performance researcher and consultant and Nancy Duarte, author of the book "slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations.” Alliance members are invited to attend all keynote discussions, even if their private group is not meeting that day.
Also inside: Member News; photos of recent Alliance events; and more. Download it now!
The Alliance of Chief Executives is an active community of business leaders that focuses on deep strategic exchanges, challenging existing assumptions and generating fresh ideas.
Alliance of Chief Executives, LLC
2175 N. California Blvd.,
Suite 605
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
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