Winter 2011

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Inside the Winter 2011 Issue:

The New Competitive Strategy
As economic uncertainty continues here in the U.S. and abroad, most businesses find the competitive environment in flux. As a result, CEOs are approaching their competition differently than before. But exactly how depends heavily on the dynamics of their particular market and what customers actually want.

Alliance Community Activities
Recent Alliance CEO Community Activities included a variety of CEO events such as:
CEO Roundtables in which Bay Area CEOs discussed “Connecting to the Tech Market” and “Leading Your Board,” Keynote discussions with Eamonn Kelly, CEO of the Global Business Network, and Mike Depatie, CEO of Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants and our Alliance CEO Fall Dinner in San Francisco.

Inside A Merger That Worked: A Case Study
Speaking from experience, Oclaro CEO Alain Couder discusses why strategy, planning, and communication are fundamental requirements for delivering on the promise of a deal.

New Members
Check out our newest Alliance members who run companies in industries such as mobile application platforms, architectural glass, traffic reporting solutions and blood collection equipment.

Upcoming Events
We've got some great events coming up, including our Alliance Holiday Dinner and Spring Dinner; CEO Roundtables on “Globalization 2011,” “Life Sciences Goes Global,” and “Building High Functioning Teams;” and a keynote with James White, CEO of Jamba Juice. Alliance members are invited to attend all keynote discussions, even if their private group is not meeting that day.

Also inside: Member News; 11 Alliance Members Named to Inc. Magazine's List of Fastest-Growing Companies; and Robert Half, a new Community Partner of the Alliance. Download it now!