A recording of the “Future of Health & Healthcare” Alliance Roundtable can be accessed by clicking HERE. This was the first of a series of virtual Alliance of CEOs Roundtables with Visionary Leaders. Whether you are involved in health & healthcare or not, we believe we can all learn from leaders in other industries to understand how our organizations and lives will be changed.
The amazing leaders with deep experience in all facets of health & healthcare ranging from drug development, diagnostics, gene editing, surgery and therapeutics to healthcare delivery included Alliance alumnus Walter Moos of Pandect Bioventures who moderated a panel discussion with the following leaders: Rachel Haurwitz of Caribou Biosciences, William Jeffrey of SRI International, Ted Love of Global Blood Therapeutics, Mathai Mammen of J&J, John Murphy of Virtual Incision, Amir Dan Rubin of One Medical, and Joseph Wu of Stanford Cardiovascular Institute.
The Alliance of Chief Executives is an active community of business leaders that focuses on deep strategic exchanges, challenging existing assumptions and generating fresh ideas.
Alliance of Chief Executives, LLC
2175 N. California Blvd.,
Suite 605
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
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