Inside the Summer 2017 Issue:
Who Will Lead the Robot Revolution?
Robots will soon reshape the way we work in very profound ways. While Alliance leaders agree that automation will eliminate jobs, they also recognize its enormous economic and societal benefits. One thing is certain. We’ll be counting on the vision, ideas and decisions of today’s leaders to make it so. According to Alliance members Steve Cousins of Savioke, Irit Eizips of CSM Practice, Lisa Im of Performant Financial, Mike Jellen of Velodyne LiDAR, Jane Macfarlane of the Sustainable Transportation Initiative at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, John Pavlidis of Vytronus, Lizz Vilardo of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation and Christy Wyatt of Dtex Systems, embracing innovative technology may be the best way to not only survive tomorrow’s robot revolution, but actually lead it.
Alliance Community Activities
On May 23rd Alliance member John De Santis of HyTrust hosted our Alliance CyberSecurity Roundtable at La Rinconada Country Club in Los Gatos. Alliance members representing 5 continents came together to discuss their specific challenges and opportunities in the complex and vitally critical world of CyberSecurity. On April 27th Alliance members and guests enjoyed our annual Alliance Spring Dinner at the Silicon Valley Capital Club in San Jose. The evening included a fun wine tasting reception, dinner, and lively conversations. We also welcomed Keynote Madhavan Ramanujam, Partner at Simon-Kucher & Partners, and Keynote Kevin Surace, Founder & CEO of Appvance, to our February and March Regional Alliance meetings.
Nuggets From Behind Closed Doors
There are hundreds of years of experience inside every private Alliance meeting. While protecting the confidentiality of the member who challenged their private Alliance Group to “sit in their seat,” we’ve captured just a few of the insightful comments from a handful of members. Read how Jeff Antrim of Proforma Construction and Jorge Titinger, former CEO of SGI, would address the challenges faced by two of their fellow Alliance members.
New Members
Check out our newest Alliance members, who run a wide range of companies in industries such as Immuno-Oncology Therapies, Estate Wines, Custom Solar Solutions, Rechargeable Lithium Batteries, Mobile Social Gaming, Home Décor, 3D Data Sensors, Integrated Circuits, and Bioavailable Macrocyclic Peptide Therapeutics.
Upcoming Events
We've got some great events coming up, including Alliance Keynotes, Thom Shea, Navy SEAL and CEO of Adamantine Alliance, Alfred Chuang, Co-Founder BEA Systems & Magnet Systems, and Behnam Tabrizi, Managing Partner and best-selling author of Rapid Transformation: A 90-day Plan for Fast and Effective Change. In addition, our Alliance Roundtables will bring together leaders of Professional Services, Life Sciences, and Family Business companies. We invite all Alliance members and their guests to join us for our Alliance Fall Dinner on September 28th, and our Alliance Holiday Dinner on December 7th.
Also inside: Learn about participating in a Tasimba Leadership Safari this fall with other Alliance leaders. Keep up-to-date with Member News, upcoming Alliance Events and Keynote Speakers, and see photos of Group 153’s April gathering at Alliance member Geetesh Goyal’s Oakland restaurant, The Grand Tavern, and Group T125’s April Mariani Packing Company Tour. Download it now!
The Alliance of Chief Executives is an active community of business leaders that focuses on deep strategic exchanges, challenging existing assumptions and generating fresh ideas.
Alliance of Chief Executives, LLC
2175 N. California Blvd.,
Suite 605
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
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