Inside the Winter 2012 Issue:
Do Business and Politics Mix?
Andrew Giacomini of Hanson Bridgett is a firm believer in the politically-involved organization. "When your schools are not educating enough people to work for you, that’s a problem," he says. But as another election season approaches, the decision whether to play politics depends on a CEO’s objectives and business landscape—with risks on both sides.
Alliance Community Activities
Recent Alliance CEO Community Activities included a variety of CEO events such as: CEO Roundtables in which Bay Area CEOs and Top Teams discussed issues including “Competitive Strategy” and “Fund Raising in This Recovery,” Keynote discussions with Jon Hamm, General Partner of Venture Strategy Group and author of the book, “Unusually Excellent," and former Alliance Member and Treehouse Capital Founder Rob Majteles on the art of “Board of Director Brainstorming.”
Developing Dual Core Competencies: A Case Study
Andy Ball of Webcor Builders had a gut feeling technology held great promise for his industry, so he invested millions into developing software that would reduce building costs and speed up construction timelines. Today, Webcor enjoys a second core competency that has both fueled the company’s growth and given it a unique competitive advantage.
New Members
Check out our newest Alliance members, who run a wide range of companies in industries such as digital branding, eCommerce solutions, oncology therapeutics, precision optics, solar technology, specialty foods, structural engineering and many more.
Upcoming Events
We've got some great events coming up, including our Alliance Holiday Dinner; CEO and Top Team Roundtables on “Navigating the 2012 Economy,” “Building Great Top Teams” and “Acquisitions in a Slow, Tenuous Recovery: Courageous or Foolish?”; and keynote events with George Halvorson, chairman and CEO of Kaiser Permanente, and John Thompson, CEO of Virtual Instruments. Alliance members are invited to attend all keynote discussions.
Also inside: Member News; an update on our growing Top Team Alliance, photos of recent Alliance events; and more. Download it now!
The Alliance of Chief Executives is an active community of business leaders that focuses on deep strategic exchanges, challenging existing assumptions and generating fresh ideas.
Alliance of Chief Executives, LLC
2175 N. California Blvd.,
Suite 605
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
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