Winter 2015

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Inside the Winter 2015 Issue:

Doubling Down in 2015
Alliance Members share some of their major investments planned for 2015 - how they chose them, and how they eliminated other options. Read the strategies shared by Alliance members Douglas Murray, Jorge Titinger, Mihran Berejikian, Erin Mendez, Andy Barrons, Manuel Gonzalez and Andy Coan as they double down for 2015.

Alliance Community Activities
Recent Alliance CEO Community Activities included a variety of events such as: the Alliance “When to Raise the White Flag” Roundtable, our Alliance Fall Dinner at the City Club in San Francisco, and Keynote discussions with author and former SRI International President, Curt Carlson on establishing a process for innovation, and Alan Fine, pioneer of the modern day coaching movement, on removing interferences in order to thrive.

Nuggets From Behind Closed Doors
There are hundreds of years of experience inside every private Alliance meeting. While protecting the confidentiality of the member who turned to his or her group for help, we’ve captured just a few of the insightful comments from a handful of members. Read how John Maydonovitch (Group 310) of MCE and Burt Cummings (Group 333) of Versaic would address the challenges faced by two of their fellow Alliance members.

New Members
Check out our newest Alliance members, who lead a wide range of companies in industries such as Public Relations, Security Software, Medical Device Manufacturing, Biotechnology, Financial Services, Employee Wellness, HVAC Equipment, Physician Practice Management and many more.

Upcoming Events
We've got some great events coming up, including our Alliance Holiday Dinner, and keynote speakers such as Forbes Magazine Publisher, Rich Karlgaard; “Netflix Culture: Freedom & Responsibility” Executive Coach Patty McCord; best-selling author of “Groundswell” Charlene Li and many others.

Also inside: Member News, photos from Group 275’s September retreat at the Ritz-Carlton in Half Moon Bay, Group 202’s “Happy Hour” evening together after their September meeting in San Francisco; Group T115’s August meeting at NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, and more. Download it now!